Monday, September 28, 2009

I ♥ Faces "Blue" Entry

i heart faces "blue" entry. I have never entered one of the contests, but I had to enter this picture!!! This is my precious baby boy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow..

Parker Daniel Weston is here. He arrived at 6:25am March 27th! He was 7lbs 13oz 20 1/2 in. His entrance into the world was an amazing answer to prayer. We were scheduled to go into the hospital at 3:00pm on the 26th for an induction, but at 4 am that morning I started having contractions on my own. We ended up at the hospital that morning around 10:30 and got to stay. I ended up not needing to be put on pitocin which I really think made my delivery easier since he was a whole pound bigger than Lorelei was. Dr. Dupre was not able to deliver him, but Dr. Phillips was on call that night and he did an incredible job! Right before I began pushing we read the verse that we had picked out for Parker.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you, and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord, and may please him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:9-12

That just set the tone for the next few minutes before he arrived. It was a very worshipful experience.

The last week and...well, almost 2 weeks now have been great. An adjustment to say the least. Where before I had Lorelei and Danny to give all of my love and attention to I now have one more in the mix and I pray that I can be to each of them what I need to be. I hope to write more later on the precious moments we have experienced between Lorelei and Parker, but it is feeding time now so I must be going.

Be blessed!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Here He Comes!!!

Today I am 38 weeks. I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. I went to the doctor last week and Parker according to the ultrasound looks to be weighing 7lbs4oz. Dr Dupre decided since I had a hard time delivering Lorelei at 6lbs12oz he wants to induce me on Tuesday the 24th, but the hospital was full so I am scheduled to go in thrusday afternoon and start everything Friday morning! We are praying that he makes his arrival before then so that I do not have to do the pitocin again, but I am fine with it if I have to. My deliver with Lorelei was great, other than the recovery, so I am very excited!

We are not nearly as prepared this time around, but what I have left to do will get done if it gets done and I can do it after if it doesn't. Right now we are enjoying some time with eachother and with our sweet Lorelei! What a change this will be for us all! We can't wait! I included a couple new pics! (one of me at 36 weeks too)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Adventures in potty training.

Well, I bit the bullet and started potty training Lorelei this week. I was so nervous about it all, but I know that I need to get on with it because Parker will be here soon! I am trying a book that was recommended to me called Potty Training in a Day. Sounds pretty ambitious I know!
I did not follow it exactly; sort of the same way I didn't do babywise by the book, but the method worked for us. I was very impressed after the first day when she woke up asking to go "teetee on the potty", but that definitely does not mean that there have not been frustrations. It is a process, that takes a lot of time, but it is rewarding, and I know I will look back on it and be glad that it is done.
On Monday before we started I sat down with Lorelei during breakfast and said a prayer with her. When I said amen and looked up she had her hands folded by her face with the sweetest smile. It was a precious moment!
We are getting very close to the arrival of the baby brother. We have decided that his name is going to be Parker (middle name still undecided). We are not nearly as ready for him as we were for Lorelei. I have a long list of to-do's that seem like they are never going to get done! I need to really get started on those things.
A little shout out to Ben. I know my grammer is probably horrible, but please don't judge me! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Most precious moment so far

The time invested in children is so precious. I had a moment with Lorelei yesterday that melted my heart. She and I were sitting in the bathroom, and had been in there for almost an hour because she has decided that she wants to get off and on the toilet by herself. Therefore, she was getting off and on and off and on on. We were just talking and laughing and one of the times she got down she came and stood in front of my and leaned in to give me a kiss and then stood back and looked at me. She was deep in thought with the sweetest look on her face and then she said, "I yuv yu momma". It was such a sweet unprompted show of affection! I love her so much.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Flying by....

One of the pictures I am putting up today really describes exactly how I feel this holiday season is going! i feel like I can barely blink and it is a new day! It is the exact same way with Lorelei and this precious boy that is on the way! Wasn't it just yesterday that she was in my tummy kicking me constantly! Wasn't it just yesterday not 5 years ago that Danny and I got married! Unbelievable!!

She has moved on from her Elmo fascination and is now a Little Mermaid fanatic! When I say fanatic I am serious! I am trying to make sure we only watch it once a day. As much as I love the movie I don't care to watch it 5 times a day!! It is too cute. She sits and smiles through the whole thing. She even loves the "scary" parts!

I am still finding myself overwhelmed with thankfulness for everything that God has blessed us with, and can't wait to see what this next year has in store! (especially that whole family of 4 thing)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Well, I love the holidays!! Danny gets a few days off that we get to spend with him, and we get to spend time with both of our families. What a blessing to have them all close! Today was a very productive day for me. I have uploaded some pictures of the outfits I made for Lorelei today! It was so fun and I can't wait for her to wear them. My back is a little achy, but it is well worth the money saved.

We are still trying to figure out a name for our sweet little boy, and are coming close to a decision. Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!!